Each word is a new poem... each breath a new rhyme... Each smile a new beginning... each day a blessing sublime!

It's been a while...

It’s been a while and I miss the frolic,
Heights of sand dunes must have shifted,
Out of breath and smiling, that virtuous mine,
Now an unease is all that dwells the mind,
Really it’s been a while…

Thoughts engaged the heart with a promise...
Of love and vivacious one-self sans a despise,
As warmth lingered in shivers from vexatious ice,
Since I have seen souls ripped for a pious dime,
Really it’s been a while…

Have I moved so much to be moved by any fie?
Rotten virtues and morals littered riding a tide,
It’s been a while I cried for broken toys of mine,
Have I been blinded, oblivious of heart tethering crime?
Really it’s been a while…

Still innocence sprinkles to halt the demonizing demise,
An exception of exceptions for love says… its fine…
and I ignore the ruthless murderous sights sine die,
praying for bliss and for all to be jocund heartily sized…
Really it’s been a while!   

Amit Khanna
Founder, BioInformatics Support and Analysis


Anonymous said...


a smart poem.

Anonymous said...

living is learning,
we fall and get up,
your poem is full of emotions,
well done!

Anonymous said...

keep going.

Anonymous said...

a powerful account.
masterful delivery.

Gigi Ann said...

So true, it's been awhile...

Anonymous said...

true feelings,

fabulous write.

Malia Craig Tagg Lawrence Page said...

amazing poem.

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...

very sense making.

Anonymous said...

the opening line is mind blowing.

Sayantini said...

I loved the last few lines. Your poems is full of emotional shifts.

~Sayantini Bhattacharya
A Mother's Promise

Anonymous said...

Nice poem - a rediscovery of innocence!

Anonymous said...

lovely poem. keep it up! here's my rally.. http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/waters-of-spring/

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Words cannot express how much I enjoyed reading this poem. Stopping by from the Thursday Poetry Rally.

Anonymous said...

impressive conjectures.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

powerful talent.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

a rebirth after chaotic struggles.
love to see twilight.

Christopher Kerry Scott Sophie Johnson said...

a complete piece with ashes and beauty clearly drawn.

Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

creative and eloquent words.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

heartfelt thoughts.

Anonymous said...

we become smarter after dramas and struggles.

powerful piece.

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

authentic and genuine words.

Anonymous said...

animated descriptions.