Each word is a new poem... each breath a new rhyme... Each smile a new beginning... each day a blessing sublime!

A heaven!

This poem I wrote in 2000. When world was not at peace and the unrest had just begun.

Withered flesh and the gunpowder,
Bowed humanity and pseudo power,
Let those be considered evil,
Who stand with pride that’s uneven…
Few tears be spared with dropped smiles,
For them who got baked and couldn’t cry…

May god bless the wandering souls!
Let those be rested for humanity’s cause,
Many might have died…
But many to save...
Lets be the savior, not of material,
But of our inner self and that’s crucial,
Lets save the humanity…………

Banging bangles and virgin smiles,
Those oozing innocence and life,
Delicate movements of those hands,
Inviting, telling here hell is banned,
All jocund waves’ that heavens have,
Lets live it, just live it…



jingle said...

thank you for the contribution,
lovely words about special topic...

jingle said...

visit 18 participants in my list to get most possible feedback...
Good luck!

Viola said...

You have a God given talent to write. Your poem is very well written with a picture painted clearly of the war. Thank you for stopping by william's public blog to read my poem. I am happy you liked it.

island of peace said...

very very beautiful. loved the last stanza and the sound of optimism in it.

Anonymous said...

heart touching poem

william manson said...

what a superb poem friend, very exciting, thanks for the visit :)

Anonymous said...

a moving poem:)

Anonymous said...

just live it indeed! nice work!

Heartspell said...

lovely poem..Heartspell

island of peace said...

dear amit,
i have a small gift for you in my blog, window2mysoul, will you accept it?


all the best.

Anonymous said...

I very much admire the sentiment. let's make this world a better place:]

morganna said...

Well written. It's sad it's still so relevant this many years later.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Please return favors to poets who were here,
Thank you in advance…
everyone needs encouragement…
Happy Friday!

I have sent this to every poet in my list.

Anonymous said...

Good description...getting an image in my mind! Nice!!

Anonymous said...

This is very well written, Thank you for allowing us to read it!

Anonymous said...

beautifully portrayed sadness and a hint of hope

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


this is week 23 Rally post...
hope that you read from participants list and comment...

I have very strict rules now...
I appreciate your cooperations.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

have fun!

please let me know after you are done with 18 comments.

in the meantime,
try to visit as many participants as possible,
no obligations,
simply doing it for pleasure so that your work is exposed to as many poets as possible!
thank you for the support.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...



Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


check out a post about poetry communities,
have fun exploring...