Each word is a new poem... each breath a new rhyme... Each smile a new beginning... each day a blessing sublime!


Princess of flowers,
With fun frolic and all charms,
On the sea shore, with innocent eyes,
Playing away from harms,
Building a palace of love and dreams,
Away stood a boy, ignoring the glamour,
Adoring the charms he stood and behaved like a toy,
Wanted to snatch the attention,
But silently stood that boy,
Nourishing the love, the feelings,
 For that golden girl so high,
With flexes of joys,
 She jumped and moved with sigh,
As if she has slaved the joys,
 And has shackled the cries,
She moved and moved around,
 Presenting the smiles,
He admired and admired,
 As if she is a carved tile,
In few moments he dreamt the paradise,
Music of heaven, which he could hear,
 Sounded so nice,
Got shattered as maid with banging bangles,
 Approached the beauty,
Appealed to the princess,
 As she should return as its dusk,
With resentment she moved,
Crossed the dreaming boy,
Paused for a moment,
 Turned to the boy to convey,
Would you protect the palace I made?
I will come to make it big in all ways,
Fumbled babbled uttered the consent,
He promised he would keep that till she returns,
He was so happy he spoke to her,
Dreams were turning to reality with such a spur,
He intended to do that and protect it by all means,
From teens to youth,
From black haired to gray he grew,
But she never returned the destiny wasn’t that keen,
Now with stick in hands and whooping he tells,
How once princess came and he served this way,
He still waits cementing that palace, still hoping,
She will come he will adore him the same way!


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